Unfit Unclean Watchmen who never noticed that today the lawlessness or Mystery of Iniquity is covering the nations. We find a major cause of the troubles for America and the world. We can see first-hand the black void of sin and corruption expanding. If the Watchmen were truly awake, fit, and clean before the Lord to do their job; the people could have been warned. The words here are 'Rise Up'! If the Watchmen are asleep, blind, and drunken; they are of no use to those who need alert Watchmen; herein are the politicians, Pastors, prophets, and others who could speak up and warn of the troubles happening. There is a dark force sweeping the nations bent on destruction and if we are not prepared, there will be little resistance to stop it.

 Go https://linktr.ee/warnradio more info.

Unfit Unclean Watchmen is a direct look at those who were to keep the watch. This applied to #Israel and to her many leaders. Levitical #priests, #prophets, and the #politicalleader of the nation were responsible to the #Lord to keep the people and the nation on track and in line with the #lawsofGod. Today we look at the #ThroneofIniquity taking over the #governments, leadership, and who controls the population and what they believe. We see from the #scripture, herein the #Tanakh that if a leader was corrupt, followed idols, then the people followed the leadership, at least a majority. If the leader was righteous, he could do a lot to turn the nation back to the Lord God.

To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website http://www.DanaGlennSmith.com/shop