Christian Clarity brings us to these End of Days and Christian Persecution. But that is not all, for today many are finding the Lord and becoming followers of our Lord Jesus Christ. While there are many Martyrs for Jesus, it is the cost of Faith. Bloodshed is never far away for believers in many areas of the world. This week, though we look at Christian Clarity in conjunction with the coverage of the many stories we cover. This is the WIBR/WARN Radio's coverage of the Advocacy for the Persecuted Church.

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Christian Clarity

Christian Clarity especially regarding the #faith and #testimony of #JesusChrist. We are to develop clearness in relating the #gospel of the #LordJesus. Making sure those hearing it are given the context and #WordofGod to bring a clear #understanding of what you are telling them. In this case, it is the gospel and that which pertains to it. It is not to be filled with uncertainness, or the message vague, or ambiguous. It needs to be clear and accompanied by #Godsword and the presence and #power of the #SpiritofGod. As well, we need to make sure they understand the #costs which #Christians are going through world-wide.  The #truth is the Lord will never forsake us and nothing shall separate us from the #loveofChrist.

| #ChristianClarity, #MartyrsforJesus, #Russia, #China #Uzebekistan, #CostofFaith, #BloodShed, #EndofDays, #ChristianPersecution

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