#Testimony of the #Redeeming #Christ Pt5


Testimony of the Redeeming Christ Pt 5 faced down the Jews who opposed Him. Meanwhile, the crowds of both jew and gentile saw the miraculous things he did. For example, He not only raised Lazarus from the dead after laying in a tomb for four days, he did this with a creative miracle. For Lazarus' body was decaying and stinking. A dead decayed corpse won't be raised, but the Son of God the #MessiahYeshua #raisedLazarus with no problem and just a short word or two.  Even the Jews in the temple could not explain it and worried that the people would follow him. So it was that the Jewish hierarchy plotted to destroy Jesus Christ the #SonofGod. Howbeit, while they succeeded in having him murdered by the #crucifixion; he was #raised from the #dead on the third day. This is confirmed by myriads of witnesses and the #Apostles. Even today the world plots to get rid of the message of the #RedeemingChrist and His Father. Daily we see #Christians thrown in jail, #martyred, and discriminated against. Yet, #Christ comes again and when he arrives so will the thousand-year millennial reign of #Yeshua, #JesusChrist our #Lord. Thus, this week we look at events and #testimony regarding our #LordJesusChrist. In the context of the time of #Romanpower and the #Jews living in #Jerusalem witnessing the presence and power of #YeshuaHaMassiach.



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