Advocacy Persecuted Church reminds us of what Matthew chapter Five says, and we remind you of verse five. It says, "Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." This along with the rest of Matthew chapter five give a glimpse as to what our Lord expects. The #troubles besetting our nation would never have arrived if we were where we should be as a nation and a people before the #Lord. Even now Muslims, American Muslims are preparing to #takeoverAmerica and make it Islamic and filled with Sharia law. In addition, others from the #MiddleEast, #China, and elsewhere are bringing their list of desires with them to this country. It is the #eagles gathering to #feast on the #corpseofAmerica. Wake up #America, for you will be the next #Persecuted and #destroyed if you fail to heed the #warnings. “For wheresoever the #carcass is, there will the eagles be gathered together”- see Matthew chapter twenty-four and verse twenty-eight.  #AdvocacyPersecutedChurch



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