Redeemed Blessings is a phrase that reminds us of all those who have been blessing and kept in their own faith as they walk before the Lord. This section in Isaiah is part of the greater picture. Both for Judah and those Lost tribes of Israel, so called because the House of Israel was carried away captive. Yet, prophecy and the scripture given by the Apostles unite to remind us; as Paul said, "God has not forsaken Israel." We are living in a time of miracles, signs, and the fulfillment of Prophecy. It is the time of the end. The coming of the Lord may be drawing nigh, but many things in Prophecy must be fulfilled. Yet these portions of Isaiah reveal to us the hand of God in the affairs of men.

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Redeemed Blessings finds its way to this episode of Isaiah's Prophetic Book part 92.  It is not a stretch to say the prophetic linkage to the #Messiah #Yeshua, #JesusChrist our #Lord is found in the phrase #Redeemed #Blessings. Isaiah has been giving his #prophecies to the #Houses of #Israel. Here #Judah and the threat to its existence is the same type of #Idolatry that took the #HouseofIsrael before Judah's fall and captivity. As Isaiah makes his way to declare "thus saith the Lord", we find an interlude of #blessings in chapter 35. In many ways these Redeemed Blessings only fall on those who truly #repent and turn to the #Lord.  Also, many passages remind us of the #Millennium and the reign of the greater #SonofDavid, #Yeshua. Howbeit, the chapter itself addresses the hand of #God in the affairs of nations and of men.