Gospel Gentiles Fullness arrives at part 22 in Romans. We have come an exceptionally long way from Paul in chapter one detailing the sins of men. He goes through a line-by-line discussion of sin, redemption, and salvation. But now we get into the meat of the issue of Israel and the Gospel of Yeshua, Jesus Christ. Add troubles, sorrows, and tribulation. Then stir in the salt of the gospel. Pour out the power of the Spirit of God and the end of days come alive as never before.


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Gospel Gentiles Fullness brings us to the surrounding events of the Fulness of the Gentiles. While the #gospel must go forth into all nations; the deciding factor here is that it must do just that. These three words #Gospel #Gentiles #Fulness reminds us this end and the fact it will come when all prophecy lines up in God's Word. Also, with the Fulness of the Gentiles, the #blindness on #Israel will be removed. It brings to the forefront #prophecy, Israel, and the Gospel of the #Kingdom. This is found in one of the best #defenses of Israel. I say Israel here, as the Apostle Paul directly speaks of Israel and blindness, fulness, the gospel, and the #salvation of Israel. The entire world is being prepared for the #endofdays with all the events lining up. As we go through this we can see how #God has dealt with Israel. It also stands as a warning to the #disobedient in the #faith. It also reminds the #faithful in #ChristJesus that in the end God works to redeem as many as he can.

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