Pauls Epistle of Second Thessalonians "Endurance and Faith" Pt1 | | WIBR/WARN Radio |

To the Thessalonians, Paul lays the groundwork for these believers. He addresses their endurance and faith for all the persecutions they endured. It is certainly here that he leads them from this to the point of the letter, the Lord Comes and will with flaming fire take vengeance upon the wicked.

Counting the cost as Christians means that in all your faith, your endurance must be right alongside your discipleship. Paul spends verses 3 through 12 in one long sentence to describe their suffering, endurance, trials, and faith. The culmination of which is that the Lord Jesus Christ shall bring justice to the earth. For those who do not know God and to those who do not obey the good news the Lord Jesus Christ; there will a cost for their disobedience. This is the news for all believers today to consider as injustice and persecution finds them and their families. There is hope beyond this earthly experience and life.