Apocalypse: Johns Revelation of Jesus Christ Pt16 "Victory vs Wrath" on Battle Lines | www.warn-usa.com | WIBR/WARN Radio

There is a victory in Christ Jesus. While on earth many find trouble and tribulation as a result of following Jesus; there is coming a time when that cross is laid down.

There is definitely coming a time when the cross of Christ is laid down. The burdens removed, and the tears wiped away by the Lord. It is a time when hope rises above the hurt. But it is also a time when love triumphs over all the earth. In spite of the troubles, this time of victory is accompanied with a time of the Wrath of God upon all those who have rejected Christ Jesus and His Father. There is a choice and at this time we find prophetically that the fulfillment of the Saints of God has come. No more, except on the earth are there troubles. This is the time of the Wrath of God tribulation and not even Satan, the beast, nor anyone else stop what is going to happen. You reap what you sow and for these left, it will bring many sorrows and in the end death.