Pauls Epistle of First Thessalonians "Election" Pt2| | WIBR/WARN Radio |

The gospel: The election of God to the Gentiles and to the Jews. Amidst persecution, there is the need to nurture, teach, and make sure those who have heard the gospel can move further into the faith.

Paul and his group, for he said "Our exhortation"; which was the Gospel. This is the election of God to all men, a way to be brought to the Father, find forgiveness, and faith. The work is dangerous, and there were many pagan teachers, philosophers, and others who did not want their city to be invaded by the Gospel. They could neither do the miracles nor truly see people changed as was going on. It would be through the struggle of the ongoing spreading of the gospel that the Apostle and those with him would impart not only the Word of God, but their very souls as well.