Apocalypse: Johns Revelation of Jesus Christ Pt12 "Two Beasts" on Battle Lines | www.warn-usa.com | WIBR/WARN Radio

We will begin at Revelation 12:17 with the confrontation of Dragon and the Woman, then the war with the Remnant of her seed; these keep the testimony of Jesus Christ and his commandments. We proceed to chapter 13 and the Two Beasts, along with all the overriding accompaniments to this rule of evil.

You cannot deny the prophetic nature and deep embedded secrets in Revelation. Yet, the things which we are to know; lay before us. There is a day, even today where this Dragon makes war with the believers. Around the world it goes on. But in this we find nations today, even in America who pushes the Anti-Christ fervor against Christianity and the gospel. To say the Dragon is wroth, is an understatement. To say that the war is a small thing which is waged against Christians is also a misstatement. We move from here into the realm of Two beasts and the indepth worldwide war during the main portion of the Tribulation.