Day of the Lord finds a True Foundation to which we must cling. As the nation’s rage and the people in them rage against the Lord and his anointed; so too we find they rage in the earth. It is the last days and, in the midst, global chaos, trouble, and much more; there is but one truth! That truth is, all men will answer to our God for all the deeds done in this body, whether good or bad. Join us as we delve into the deep well of the end of days and look at the True Foundation. 

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The Day of the Lord finds a #TrueFoundation laid is to be sure and certain. Further it has a chief cornerstone to the wall which the builders are laying. #Jesus [ #Yeshua ] #Christ is that stone which the builders rejected. Further Isaiah twenty-eight and verse sixteen says "I lay in #Zion for a #foundation, a #triedstone, a #preciouscornerstone, a #surefoundation." These words were spoken by our Lord in Matthew chapter twenty-one and verses forty-two through forty-four. This foundation follows this week's portion of a new study into the #DayoftheLord. While world and the #nationsofmen have their own ideas of a #surefoundation, it will not fare well when rebelling against the #Lord. Along with this comes the #Mysteryofiniquity, delusion, and judgment. The cure is simple, although the price of pride and rejection is lethal. Therefore seek #JesusChristOurFoundation


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