Challenging Faith brings us to the news of the field before us, which is our Mission. We find the Faith of Jesus in the most Persecuted of areas. Yet there is hope amidst evil, miracles in the battle, and deliverance. While today can be difficult, I am reminded today the phrase Under the sun. It is found twenty-nine times in twenty-seven verses in Ecclesiastes. This book details the words of the Preacher, the son of David, King in Jerusalem. We also live our lives Under the sun and with the ultimate detail of the Son of David, Jesus Christ our Lord who will judge all nations and men. #ChallengingFaith


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Challenging Faith brings us to the reality of where we are at in #GodsTimeline. While there are differences in the #denominational lines of #prophecy and #interpretation, when #faith meets head on with #enemies of the #gospel; that is challenging. But one section in #Revelation sets the record straight. This is found in Revelation chapter twenty-two and verse twelve saying "And, behold, #Icomequickly; and #myreward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be." There is a #finaljustice, a final judge that cannot be bought, and a finality to everything. #ChallengingFaith


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