Greetings Rainbow Warriors,
I’m coming to you today from Bali, Indonesia. It’s amazing to be here eating the nourishing tropical fruits, watching sunsets on the beach, and connecting with so many activated rainbow warriors here.
Bali really is one of those activated places on the planet, no question. Some say it’s the best place in the world to do healing work, and I believe that. Everything about being here feels nourishing to me.
If you haven’t listened to my episodes recorded here at the Bai SPirit Festival, go back and listen to those shows. They’ll give you a real taste of what it’s like to be on the ground here.
And coming up after this season from India will be another season of the Bali Spirit Festival, so stay tuned for that.
In fact, the last time I saw our guest, was exactly there, even though I met her in Rishikesh India.
Our guest today is Pravbavati Dwabha. Dwabha, as she’s called, is an icon of the Rishikesh community. I used to see her around and wonder who she was. She definitely makes an impression. Before we met, each time I saw her I noticed that she seemed to be well known and respected, and as it turned out, she is the force behind this amazing charity I kept hearing about, know as Ramana's Garden.
Dwabha has an amazing story and is the embodiment of a karma yogi, living her purpose, taking action to help others. And not just any others, but the poorest of the poor children. Each child that comes through the gate there, arrives because they would be at risk of either being murdered, forced into prostitution, child labor, begging, starvation or total neglect 
Dwabha is an inspiration to many, and I have no question, has not only dramatically improved, but also saved the lives of many many children.
What she has created with her organic farms, cafe and school, is a testament to her huge compassionate heart, and provides a template, for the difference one person can make, when they follow their inspiration and put it into ACTION.
Karma yoga is the yoga of selfless action, actions associated with being of benefit to others. This is SEVA, the act of being in service. If this is a novel concept to you, please go back and listen to the first episode of this podcast, where I guide you through the 7 steps of activating your highest potential, because seva, is one of them.
As yogis, and as humans on this earth, it is our responsibility to take of ourselves, so we can take care of each other, to make ourselves healthy so that we can be a beneficial presence on the planet. And our guest is a wonderful role model for this. As I see it, she is fully in her dharma, her purpose, and her actions, are an inspiration. She is a busy woman and I was lucky to get her alone to ask her how it all began and where it’s going in the future.
Please do check out the website, and lend your support to this very worthy project. And if you find yourself in Rishikesh, don’t miss the chance to go visit Ramana’s garden. Your heart will be blown wide open, I promise.
And watch my instagram feeds for some pics of Ramana’s garden, taken the same day as we did this interview.
Find the links to and more, in the show notes at
Enjoy and namaste