Greetings Rainbow Warriors,

I’m coming to you today from Bali, Indonesia.

Did you catch my facebook live today making kitchari here?

You can find it on my Visionary Lifestyle and Podcast page so go and check it out. Most of the essential ingredients are not available here in Bali so we had to make do with what we had but man oh man did it turn out great anyway. So delicious and easy to make! I’m doing a 3 day kitchari cleanse at the moment here where that’s the only thing I’ll eat for a few days and give my digestion a rest so my body can do some cleansing. It’s really the most delicious way to cleanse. Om yum!

Check my FB live and my Visionary Lifestyle Guide instagram story for more on that. Great timing for that one too since today’s topic is all about the Ayurvedic cleanse known as panchakarma, and kitchari is the food of choice during that journey of self-love.

Today’s interview is with Dr. Maurya, my personal Ayurvedacharya in India.

This is Dr. Maury’s second time on the show, so if you’re new to Ayurveda or didn’t hear his first episode on the show last year, make sure to go back and listen to that to get a basic understanding of what Ayurveda is. Check the show notes for a link to that show. Season 2 Ayurveda

Dr.Maurya is an Ayurveda Doctor, also known as an Ayurvedacharya, he’s a specialist in detox and rejuvenation, also known as Panchakarma , and has degrees in Holistic Health, Yoga & Naturopathy.

In 2005, he established an Ayurveda Panchakarma center at the Parmarth Niketan Ashram, in Rishikesh, India. There, he’s managing and providing all Ayurvedic treatments, Naturopathy treatments and Consultations. He travels extensively delivering lectures on Ayurveda, and leads training in Ayurveda, naturopathy and panchakarma at his center in Rishikesh.


So check it out guys, This interview was done just after I completed my last 8 days of Panchakarma with him in Rishikesh last Spring. I’ve made a commitment to myself to make this an annual event on my birthday as a way to honor my body temple.

Next spring I’ll be bringing a group with me to Rishikesh to experience this with me. We’ll do 10 days of panchakarma , practice yoga and meditation, eat healing food, visit spiritual masters for spiritual talks known as satsangs and soak in the ancient magic that is India. Oh my gosh I can not wait!

If this calls you shoot me and email right away and let me know so I can hold a spot for you. It will be a very intimate group so don’t delay.

My email is [email protected]

Ok so now without further adieu let’s get on with this show.

Find the show notes on my website at


Enjoy and namaste