First broadcast on FAB RADIO INTERNATIONAL at 19:00 on July 24th 2022

This week we welcome back those old friends of the show LISA PARKER and ANDREW TROWBRIDGE from the ROUND THE ARCHIVES PODCAST for what, when we started out, was supposed to be another of our random chit-chats about telly, but ended up being something completely different indeed.

It’s no secret that a lot of fans of archive television, myself included, admit that their gateway to this perhaps peculiar fascination for the telly from a bygone era started out with an interest in the series DOCTOR WHO, a show about which so much information got documented over the decades that certain more enquiring minds started to seek out and discover television connections to other shows that were in production at around the same time.

Inevitably, the names of certain directors, or bit-part actors, or other members of the production teams, might feature in other programmes that might pop up in lists, or the books and magazines that eager young fans might read, or they might pop up unexpectedly on credits at the end of other shows, and so an interest in another show, and another, and another, might get kindled as we wove a tangled web of connections, and tried to unpeel the onion of what made early television in its entirely, tick, to mix as many metaphors as our vast VISION ON SOUND mixing bowl can handle.

During the following hour, I decided to start of by asking them both about what started their podcasting life, which might have been fascinating enough in itself for any of you budding narrowcasters out there, and we have a very pleasant chat about all that, before we move on to discussing some of the most recent revelations of DOCTOR WHO news, and have a nostalgic natter about our memories of regeneration and what it means to inject another lease of life into this near sixty-year television institution.

And whilst we would never want VISION ON SOUND to become yet another DOCTOR WHO themed programme – the world already has more than enough of those, all of which go into far more detail with far more enthusiasm than we could hope to maintain – it seems that for this week, at any rate, we have managed to contribute in our own small way to the endless discussions of that much appreciated television phenomenon as it sits on the very brink of a new era, if only...

PLEASE NOTE - For Copyright reasons, musical content sometimes has to be removed for the podcast edition. All the spoken word content remains (mostly) as it was in the broadcast version. Hopefully this won't spoil your enjoyment of the show.