First broadcast on FAB RADIO INTERNATIONAL at 19:00 on December 26th 2021

Once again I find myself on Boxing Day sorting through the mountains of boxes that are gathering dust here at VISION ON SOUND HQ, and amongst all of the tat and debris, I found a filth-covered old bottle and, because it is panto season, I gave it a rub with the sleeve of my jumper.

That was disappointing, but this did set me thinking. What if it had been a magic bottle? And what if I had found a genie trapped inside? And what if I had been granted those three wishes of legend? Would I have used one of my precious wishes to restore all of the wiped and otherwise lost television programmes to the archives, and, if I had done that, which shows would be the first ones I would want to see.

Over the course of recording interviews for various shows, I put this question to several of my guests over the past couple of months, and tonight I’m going to share the answers given by STEVE HATCHER, WARREN CUMMINGS, PAUL CHANDLER, TOBY HADOKE, ANDREW-MARK THOMPSON, AND LISA PARKER & ANDREW TROWBRIDGE, in a series of short conversations that still managed to head off in some fascinating and unexpected directions.

So yes, it’s a clip show of sorts, but they are, at least, clips you won’t have heard before.

PLEASE NOTE - For Copyright reasons, musical content sometimes has to be removed for the podcast edition. All the spoken word content remains (mostly) as it was in the broadcast version. Hopefully this won't spoil your enjoyment of the show.