In Episode 4 of Vision & Graft I chat to Diandra Ferreira, a hair and make up designer based in the UK. Diandra and I have worked together on a number of occasions including on on our first feature film, Trendy.

We begin the episode by discussing whether we see our roles as a career, a calling or a job and what these terms mean to us and our career motivations.

We go on to talk about the feature film Trendy and our collaboration on that film. Diandra shares her experiences and views with regards to respect in the workplace. I ask her about her views on working for free and how to judge when may be right to do this and my favourite part is when Diandra shares her wisdom about how important it is to trust your gut.
We  highlight the value of communication for creatives being approached for work and approaching others to collaborate, before talking about the difficulties freelancers face with job security and managing the unknown. Finally we go on to talk about adjusting expectations and being adaptable as we navigate our careers, 'going with the flow' to see where it takes us. 

To be able to chat to someone with Diandra 's experience on film sets is always a pleasure and her knowledge and experience provides great takeaways for creatives.

Vision & Graft aims to inspire action, give hope and normalise the discussion of mental wellbeing within creative sectors as well as more widely throughout society. 


Diandra Ferreira Instagram  | @diandraferreira_

Diandra Ferreira website |

Diandra Ferreira IMDB |

Do You Have a Job, Calling or Career - Forbes | Link


RWP Website |

RWP Insta | @rwpreisner


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