Okay, so before we jump into the real meat and potatoes of Virtual Summit Success, I just want to share a little bit about where it came from. So hello, I'm Jenn, I'm the founder of Virtual Summit Search, and that is a place where you can go to list your summits, to be in the virtual summit speaker directory, and to find virtual summits that you want to attend.

We are building resources on there to help virtual summit hosts and speakers and attendees so that virtual summits can become more successful and that we can just have even more, yeah, amazing content out there in the form of virtual summits. 

Virtual Summit Search actually came about because my friend, Mariah and I were talking and we kept noting that we would find virtual summits after they'd already started and there were only all access passes available, and we couldn't seem to find virtual summits to speak at because by the time we found out about them, their speaker lineup had already been ironed out and nailed down.

So we wanted a way to help other people find virtual summits before they happen, even if they're not necessarily on any of the speakers lists, and we wanted a way to be able to, so you find virtual summits to speak at and to help virtual summit hosts find speakers, 'cause that's something else that we kept hearing is, "how do I find good speakers who will actually show up and do what they say they will?"

So this was kind of our solution to solve those problems. Mariah had to move on, so I am now the sole founder for this, but I really love it. Virtual summits are something that I love to talk about. There're so many strategies that already exist and that are developing every day. So I'm excited to help you, as a host or a speaker, get more out of the virtual summit experience and just really dive into it and make everything better for you and for your attendees and speakers, if you're a host. 

So what we're going to be talking about on Virtual Summit Success is kind of an insider view of the power of summits from both a speaker and a host perspective. So we're going to launch off with some topics around courses because a lot of folks have courses and it's that they want to sell on the back end of a summit, but you're not quite sure how, so I'm going to share a little bit about how you can combine the power of courses and virtual summits to make each one more successful.

And then after that, we will see where we go. And I'm just really excited because there's so many things that we can talk about with this. So I'm excited that you're along for the journey and let's dive in.