Whether you've done a million interviews or you're gearing up for your first podcast or summit guest, interviews can be scary. If you want to feel confident and prepared for your next podcast or summit interview, then get ready to learn all the strategies you need to host exceptional podcast and summit interviews.

The most important thing you can do is make your interview guest comfortable. After all, if they're comfortable, you've got a better shot at being comfortable too! Having a bank of questions to refer to if you need them can also give you peace of mind throughout the interviews. Remember that it's okay to steer the conversation back
on track when necessary, too!

Get Laura's Question Bank: https://www.laurakebartcopy.com/sell-with-a-summit-freebie/

Want to learn more about selling with a summit as a podcaster? Go to http://sellwithasummit.com/podcaster/ to join in and learn from even more podcasting and summit experts!

Learn more about Laura at www.LauraKebartCopy.com

Mentioned in this episode:

Evergreen Summit Audio Training

If you're ready to host a summit or have already hosted one and want to get more out of the months of work you put into your summit, jump over to evergreensummits.com. I put together a free audio training that you can take on the go in your regular podcast player!

Evergreen Summit Audio Training