Previous Episode: Virgo February 2019

Stoner Virgo the first spring month will bring a break in negative storm clouds brought by Mercury during 2019. The month should be positive and bright, but only for an attentive stoner Virgo. March will require a combination of already held talents, and newfound patience, to conquer important obstacles. Critical decisions must be assessed and … Continue reading Virgo Stoner Horoscope March 2019 →

Stoner Virgo the first spring month will bring a break in negative storm clouds brought by Mercury during 2019. The month should be positive and bright, but only for an attentive stoner Virgo. March will require a combination of already held talents, and newfound patience, to conquer important obstacles. Critical decisions must be assessed and contemplated, not tackled with instinct and brute force. Honest investigation must be made before trotting down chosen paths ahead.

Inhale, breathe in the sacred herb, and meditate on your strengths stoner Virgo. March will require a keen third eye to assess the actual and metaphorical landscape ahead. You are so good at trusting your intuition and gut instincts; but March will require more of you. Medicated meditative smoke sessions should focus on patience and follow through. Your initial quick gut reaction could lead to your downfall. Look past the initial evidence. Rise high above the situation and seek alternative sources of information. Use your third eye to seek alternate perspectives.

The work and business sphere will be fairly straight forward this month. Tackling tasks is what you do right? However, be forewarned stoner Virgo: Solo attacks on problems won’t get the job done correctly. Seek consensus and group discussion from your amazing smoke circle surrounding you. Be sure to include your canna-crew in the process of obstacle resolution, and in your own personal conflicts. Smoke them out, and talk it out. Wonderfully creative solutions are sure to develop from a shared experience with the sacred herb.

The overall theme of the month certainly includes your personal sphere. Patience, follow through, and deeper thought will be required to receive the most from this dynamic and positive month. Toke time for self with the sacred herb when a personal puzzle becomes too complex. The answers and appropriate direction is there to be discovered with a little extra contemplation with our green goddess of understanding.