For the stoner Virgos that felt last month’s challenges with intensity, you’ll be pleased to know that Mercury’s current alignment will minimize both the positive and negative aspects of April. You could say the cosmic house is empty, so this would be the perfect time to throw on your favorite dancing skivvies and let loose. … Continue reading Virgo Stoner Horoscope April 2019 →

For the stoner Virgos that felt last month’s challenges with intensity, you’ll be pleased to know that Mercury’s current alignment will minimize both the positive and negative aspects of April. You could say the cosmic house is empty, so this would be the perfect time to throw on your favorite dancing skivvies and let loose. Spark one up, and get your sock slide going. In April it will be crucial to get up, dust yourself off, and try again stoner Virgo!

Persistence within your endeavors will significantly boost chances of success. Just because one facet doesn’t work out does not mean all is lost. Perception is over half the battle. Seek creative solutions and paths, both in work and in love. In the wise words of Mick Jagger, “You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you might find, you get what you need.” Don’t be afraid to think outside the box my virtuous Virgo! An unorthodox approach might be exactly what you need to keep rolling this month. Meditation with the sacred herb will assist in finding the direction you seek. When you’ve smoked it over, choose a direction or path, and stick to it.

Stoner Virgos that see what they want, and aren’t hesitant to take the steps necessary to get it, will find that these steps become updrafts filling their wings for flight. Task mastery will be high in April. Take on projects that have short term results, and thus get you into your groove quicker! This active month will bare the most fruit during or adjacent to this period.

For those Virgo’s out there who feel stuck in the corporate grind, consider kick starting that side hustle you’ve been thinking about. Not only will this allow you to do something you enjoy, but could eventually be the key to financial freedom! Perhaps your stoney sock sliding adventures will lead to a canna-business inspiration.