Freedom! The first summer month will bring a cosmic lubricant to any stoner Virgos stuck in the grind of life. Romance, business, all spheres will be affected by this cosmic blessing. Put on your cannabis club kicks; your dance card with the sacred herb is wide open. Any, and all, strains can be considered during … Continue reading Virgo Stoner Horoscope June 2019 →

Freedom! The first summer month will bring a cosmic lubricant to any stoner Virgos stuck in the grind of life. Romance, business, all spheres will be affected by this cosmic blessing. Put on your cannabis club kicks; your dance card with the sacred herb is wide open. Any, and all, strains can be considered during your terrestrial travels during June.

Freedom is an interesting concept stoner Virgo. The universe is not blessing you with the ability to do what you want, when you want, with whomever you want. This freedom is more tied to an outcome of result. With a well mapped plan, and solid decision making, nothing is standing in your way for any desired outcome. Toke time on many occasions during this period to medicate and meditate with the sacred herb. Focus on the actions required to arrive at a desired location. Universal influences will assist you in all tasks and activities toward that goal; but a cannabis inspired outline will be necessary to write the final chapter.

Be forewarned stoner Virgo: Freedom for fellow terrestrial astronauts must be respected. All universal support will flip to negative headwinds if your travels take advantage or suppress the freedom of others. Puff puff pass on manipulation stoner Virgo. Consult with your cannabis companions if an ethical dilemma may arise. Their herbal inspired wisdom could help navigate moral pitfalls.

Bowls are best shared together in June. Celebrate freedom with your fellow terrestrial astronauts. Inspiration, assistance, and joy is sure to come from smokey summer adventures with your best buds. For single Virgos, these adventurous excursions may lead to cannabis companion prospects. For partnered Virgos these terrestrial treks will reinvigorate the engines of love. No matter your relationship status, June is sure to be a period of enlightenment and smoke circle expansion.