Stoner Virgo let’s employ the Atari video game Pitfall to fully understand the traps and opportunities of the month. Your path may not be predetermined, but walk the path you must. There will be sturdy rope swings to take you safely across obstacles; and there will be hidden traps that set you back on your … Continue reading Virgo Stoner Horoscope July 2019 →

Stoner Virgo let’s employ the Atari video game Pitfall to fully understand the traps and opportunities of the month. Your path may not be predetermined, but walk the path you must. There will be sturdy rope swings to take you safely across obstacles; and there will be hidden traps that set you back on your progressive path. Much like the video game, your fate will rest in your actions and decisions regarding each obstacle and opportunity.

General advice becomes its own trap in July. Each stoner Virgo will have their own progressive path to navigate. The tools to promote progress within each inflection point could vary drastically between each individual. Know thyself stoner Virgo. Use the sacred herb as a meditative guide to engage your third eye, and connect your inner self with external decision making. Opportunities will come at you fast in July. But some of these opportunities will be pitfalls in disguise. The stoner Virgo will need all the tools available to engage opportunities and obstacles. You must channel your stoney psychic inner self to navigate the path ahead.

Again, I cannot give a specific sacred herbal prescription to aid in your video game adventure. Cannabis strains may be like that ancient Atari controller. By engaging your third eye in the decision-making, the likelihood of selecting the correct action will increase. Whatever actions and decisions you make in July, please remember stoner Virgo: This life is a game. Play hard. Play smart. Have fun.

There is a soft edge to this ominous monthly reading. All stoner Virgos will have an increased opportunity for companionship. Those already with cannabis companions should utilize the sacred herb to grease the gears of romance. Those that puff together stay together. Single Virgos may be distracted by all the video game action, but they will find new cannabis cohorts to share in the ganja game.