What kind of action are you willing to take toward your goals? Are you willing to leave a safe income to pursue your dream?

On this episode of the VIP Ignite podcast, your host Deneen White is excited to introduce you to Romero Royster. Romero went to university to study Business Marketing but realized that it was not his passion once he entered the workforce. He always knew he wanted to be in the entertainment industry, but was never able to make the connections he needed to get his foot in the door. He was introduced to VIP Ignite through an ad on Instagram, signed up to attend our live event in Hollywood in June of 2019 as well as the 30X Elite coaching, and now he is well on his way to making the connections he needs to make an impact on the entertainment industry. 

If you, like Romero, have a dream to be a bigger part of the entertainment industry than you are, check out this episode of the VIP Ignite podcast and then check out our website at https://ammsociety.com/webinar-registration to get registered for our next live webinar!