At what point did you decide what you want to do for the rest of your life? 

On this episode of the VIP Ignite podcast, your host Deneen White is excited to introduce you to Santana Adams. She is a 28-year-old aspiring model, originally from Mississippi, currently living in Nashville Tennessee.  She was in her history class in middle school when she realized that she wanted to be an actor and model. For a long time, she was afraid to even share her dream with anyone because it didn't seem realistic, and she didn't want to be discouraged.  With the help of VIP Ignite, she is working toward becoming an international supermodel who can influence youth all over the world.

If your dream burns as brightly as Santana's, please make sure that you subscribe to the VIP Ignite podcast and check out our website where you can register for our next live webinar and qualify to network with industry professionals who can help you turn your dream into your career!