Daniel Kelley is the front person for Moral Panic from NYC. The weird part about getting to talk to artists about an album that was influential to them, is that sometimes they just don't line up perfectly. This pairing is fairly close, but the unique thing about Moral Panic is that they dance a line between traditional punk and rock. Almost verging on a noise rock element. Very cool stuff. We encourage you to take a listen for yourself and if you enjoy it, consider purchasing any of their albums here: https://moralpanicnyc.bandcamp.com/

With that being said, I can see a connection between Moral Panic and The Adolescents, being one of those earlier pop punk originators from California. This is a great album that I was not familiar with. Very cool stuff. Don't forget to do all those things with the internet including subscribing and sharing. And if you'd like to support this show please visit www.psychicstatic.net and buy some stuff. And you can find links to our social media platforms so you can interact with us. Thanks!

Theme song written and performed by Jeff Robbins of 123 Astronaut.