After a whirlwind weekend in Texas for No Coast and Levitation Fest, we're back with Seb Alvarez from Chicago, creator of Virgin Mother and vocalist for meth. In a very short span of time, Virgin Mother has 5 short releases under their belt, and now have their first full length, Morning Ritual, out now. You can find it here:

For those of you who may know Seb from the bands he's been in, the idea of talking about a record like that of Sparklehorse's It's a Wonderful Life, may seem out of character, but the more I dove in the more I realized, they're not that far off. 

Don't forget to follow Seb for details of upcoming shows and tours, and if you like this episode don't forget to subscribe to the channel or check out our website to find ways to support us. 

Theme song written and performed by Jeff Robbins of 123 Astronaut.