Panel: Divya SasidharanChris FritzJoe Eames Special Guests: Edd Yerburgh In this episode, the Views on Vue panel talks to Edd Yerburgh about unit testing Vue components. Edd is a software engineer for BBC in London and he maintains Vue Test Utils, which is a library to help make unit testing Vue components easier.  They talk about how you would use Vue Test Utils, examples of components you would test with Vue Test Utils, and good patterns to use when testing. They also touch on snapshot testing, the Vue Jest library, and more! In particular, we dive pretty deep on: Edd introMaintains Vue Test UtilsWhat is Vue Test Utils?Library to make unit testing Vue components easierWhat is a mounted component?Would you use Vue Test Utils by yourself?Jest, Jasmine, and MochaNeeds to be run in a DOM environmentJS DOMExamples of components that you would use to test with Vue Test UtilsWhat are good patterns to use when testing?Consider what and if you should test?Difficult to give a definitive answer as to when you should unit test vs you shouldn’tWhat you hope when you are writing unit testsTests as a form of documentationWriting unit tests to pay off in the futureWhat is a Snapshot test?When would you use a snapshot test?Leaning on Jest for snapshot testsVue Jest libraryTesting in VueCreating components within your test itselfTesting a mixinAnd much, much more! Links: VueVue Test UtilsJestJasmineMochaSnapshot testVue JestEdd’s GitHub@EddYerburgheddyerburgh.meEdd’s Medium Sponsors Kendo UIDigital OceanFreshBooks Picks: Divya The React is “just” JavaScript Myth by Dave RupertBang Bang ConMoving Towards Dialogue: Collaborating with your computer using typed holes! by Vaibhav Sagar Chris Having a point to stop working at nightASMR Joe RocketbookVS Code Top-Ten Pro Tips Edd Testing Vue.js Applications by EddjscodeshiftSpecial Guest: Edward Wardell-Yerburgh.

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