Building websites at an enterprise scale presents many challengers. In this episode the panel talks with Tim Benniks about how the global cosmetics brand L’Oreal uses VueJS in conjunction with Sitecor and other tools to develop websites for its many brands around the world. Tim also discusses his experience in building cross-cultural development teams, and the challenges presented by teams comprised of developers from multiple countries.


Steve Edwards
Austin Gil


Tim Benniks

Vue Remote Conf 2020


Tim’s Amsterdam talk


Tim Benniks:

Follow Brad on Twitter > @timbenniks, Website, Github, email: [email protected]
The Culture Map: Breaking Through the Invisible Boundaries of Global Business
Tim’s YouTube channel

Austin Gil:

Follow Austin on Twitter > @Stegosource
Think about things (song)
The Function Call
Moon Drops
What the bleep

Steve Edwards:

Follow Steve on Twitter > @wonder95
Making History: NASA and SpaceX Launch Astronauts to Space

Follow Views on Vue on Twitter > @viewsonvue

Special Guest: Tim Benniks.

Building websites at an enterprise scale presents many challengers. In this episode the panel talks with Tim Benniks about how the global cosmetics brand L’Oreal uses VueJS in conjunction with Sitecor and other tools to develop websites for its many brands around the world. Tim also discusses his experience in building cross-cultural development teams, and the challenges presented by teams comprised of developers from multiple countries.


Steve Edwards
Austin Gil


Tim Benniks

Vue Remote Conf 2020


Tim’s Amsterdam talk


Tim Benniks:

Follow Brad on Twitter > @timbenniks, Website, Github, email: [email protected]
The Culture Map: Breaking Through the Invisible Boundaries of Global Business
Tim’s YouTube channel

Austin Gil:

Follow Austin on Twitter > @Stegosource
Think about things (song)
The Function Call
Moon Drops
What the bleep

Steve Edwards:

Follow Steve on Twitter > @wonder95
Making History: NASA and SpaceX Launch Astronauts to Space

Follow Views on Vue on Twitter > @viewsonvue

Special Guest: Tim Benniks.

Twitter Mentions