Are you a mom and an entrepreneur at the same time? Find out what’s in store for you in the Slay Like a Biz Mom series! In this new series, we are going to talk about what it’s like to be a mom and having a business at the same time, and what it takes to be the superwoman that you are while slaying your goals and slaying your business!

Visit for complete show notes of every podcast episode Alicia Henderson

Topics Discussed in this Episode:

What Slay It Like a Biz Mom is all about What you can expect from this new series The things that we will talk about in this series Why I decided to have this podcast series

Key Takeaways:

A lot of people believe that moms cannot handle their business, but that is not true. If you’re a mom, you can do all things. You are a superwoman. It doesn’t matter what stage you are in business, you’re a biz mom and it’s all about slaying your goals and taking care of your family. Your children and your family should come first before anything else.

Action Steps:

Be more strategic with your time when your kids are in school. Have a CEO day and a self-care day every single month, or even once a week.

Alicia says:

“There are things that come up as your kids grow. Your kids go from different stages, and your business is going to change as they grow. I always say that your business should revolve around your children and your family, not the other way around.” 

“We always put our health on the back burner and then our bodies suffer, our kids suffer. We are building businesses that are here for longevity. We’re not doing a fly by night thing.” 

Thanks for listening!

If you have any questions about being a mom and a business owner, how to manage things, or whatever it may be, feel free to DM me on Instagram or PM me at Alicia Henderson Business Strategist on Facebook. Or you can send me an email at [email protected] with the topics or things that you want to know or hear about as a biz mom.

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