In a world where building your brand means showing your face, it’s not always easy to show up on camera.


You may have days where you don’t feel confident. You don’t know what to say, question if anyone wants to hear what you have to say and you’re worried about how you’ll look on camera.


I know it can be scary for you to show up on camera when you lack confidence but not to worry you know I’ve got all the things to help you feel relaxed, ready, and comfortable to record your videos.


I believe once you get comfortable with being on camera that’s when your confidence grows and you become more confident and unstoppable.


Episode 3 How to Get Comfortable on Camera


Join me as I chat all about how to get confident on camera.  I’m sharing how the same things that I do to prepare myself to record videos and live streams. Remember, I’m all about sharing things that I do and not stuff you can just Google.


Are you currently doing any of these things to get comfortable on camera? Which of these tips in the episode will you put to use in your video day routine?


Remember using video to grow your brand and increase visibility should be fun. The more comfortable you are the more videos and live streams you’ll record.

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