Have you ever got on a discovery or sales call with someone with you and the conversation was going well but then took a turn downhill because they didn’t know what you do and who you do it for?


Well, you’re not alone. This happens to MANY service providers.


Episode 10| How to Attract the Right Audience with Video


To avoid that dreadful feeling that you’ve wasted your time on a call with someone that isn’t an ideal client, video can help clear the confusion.  When you use video to attract the right audience you’re educating them


Who you are What services do you provide Why do you provide the services  Who you provide the services are Who isn’t a good fit and why


When your videos address those exact things you have less of a chance of attracting tire kickers, unqualified prospects, and anyone else that will waste your time.


Video can help you attract the right people to your business that will not only become clients but will be referral sources to your business.


So if you’ve been debating on using video marketing to help your business this is definitely a great reason to do so.


Have you started using video to help you market your business?