As we have mentioned on the podcast many times before, Eric and I love analyzing and discussing movies just about as much as we love watching movies, which is part of why we do this podcast.  And one of the best things about doing this podcast is being able to discuss movies with some of the people who actually make them.  So, on tonight's episode, we are super excited to have Bill Fulkerson and Kyle Kuchta, writers and directors of the documentary, Survival of the Film Freaks (which won a Gargyle Award during our Knoxville Horror Film Fest coverage for "movie that I am most excited to share with someone else")!!  Bill and Kyle were informative, entertaining, and just an absolute blast to talk to!  The episode might get a bit silly at times (if you've listened to an episode of The Gargyle Podcast before, that shouldn't be a surprise), but Bill and Kyle also had a lot to say about the role of cult films in cinema!!  We had so much fun recording tonight's episode that our conversation (after the podcast was over) eventually led to The Gargyle Podcast's new motto: "we take movies seriously...just not ourselves."  So, we hope that you enjoy tonight's episode as much as we do!

And if you do enjoy tonight's episode, be sure to support the Survival of the Film Freaks IndieGoGo campaign at:

And be sure to come back soon for more cinematic discussions on The Gargyle Podcast!!  Up next, we return to our Chattanooga Film Festival pre-coverage by discussing some of the films from CFF 2018.

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