As the Chattanooga Film Festival draws ever nearer, Eric and I continue on with our pre-coverage of this year's CFF by recounting previous years of CFF.  On tonight's episode, we discuss films from the 2017 Chattanooga Film Festival.  As I mentioned on the previous episode, the Chattanooga Film Festival is so much more than just the is a cinematic experience and an opportunity to talk with other people who love cinema just as much as you do (including many of the people involved in making the films screened at CFF)...but, obviously the movies are a pretty major part.  And while I wish that each episode leading up to CFF could be a deep-dive into every single movie screened each year, that just isn't possible.  So, instead, each week we will be focusing on a few movies that really highlight the Chattanooga Film Festival experience from each of the previous years that I have attended (this will be the fourth year that I have attended CFF and the first year that Eric has attended) as a way to give Eric (and our listeners) a glimpse of what CFF is like.  The criteria for the movies picked from each year are: 1) they are movies that I saw during the film festival that year, 2) they are movies that are available online (Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc.), 3) they are movies that represented the experience of the film fest, rather than just being a good movie (there are some movies that are great movies, but you could get roughly the same experience seeing them in any movie theater...and there are other movies that might not necessarily be as "good," but it will be an experience that you are not likely to have outside of a film festival).  With those criteria in mind, the films from 2017 that are covered in tonight's episode are:  Dave Made A Maze, Feeding Time, Sequence Break, The Dragon Lives Again and The Zodiac Killer(both presented by the American Genre Film Archive), David Lynch: The Art Life, Dayveon, and The Devil's Candy, along with some brief highlights about The Monster Squad and The Void.  We end the episode talking about The Lady from the Black Lagoon: Hollywood Monsters and the Lost Legacy of Milicent Patrick - by Mallory O'Meara.  The Chattanooga Film Festival will be screening The Creature from the Black Lagoon, pairing it with a talk by Mallory O'Meara.  So, in preparation, Eric and I have both been reading her book (and we both very highly recommend it!)

For tickets or more information (including complete lists of films screened each year) go to - and be sure to follow them on Facebook, Instagram, and/or Twitter to stay up to date on announcements for CFF 2019.  

And be sure to come back soon for more cinematic discussions on The Gargyle Podcast!!  Up next will be a break from our CFF coverage as we interview Bill Fulkerson and Kyle Kuchta on their documentary, Survival of the Film Freaks (which won a Gargyle Award during our Knoxville Horror Film Fest coverage for "movie that I am most excited to share with someone else").  After that, we will return to our CFF pre-coverage by discussing some of the films from CFF 2018.

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