This week, Kate Gray of Boss Bitch Business School joins us on the show. Kate and her team help women entrepreneurs hit 6 and 7 figure goal milestones through individual coaching and targeted business strategies. Kate has a breadth of knowledge and firsthand experience as an entrepreneur and offers critical advice that applies to anyone, whether you are building a business or looking to achieve personal goals. This interview was a lot of fun and Kate shared a ton of information on growing your business and developing an entrepreneurial spirit. You don't want to miss out, so hit that play button! 




Kate’s history developing and building businesses

The “10% strategy 90% mindset” ratio for entrepreneurial success

Explaining Behavioral Range

The power of looking within

How to be deadly focused on your goals, but flexible in the details

Understanding when to pull the plug on a project and trying something else


Thank you for tuning in this week with another amazing guest. If you’re enjoying the show, please leave us a review and share with a friend. Thanks for listening! 


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