Your can't trick your soul. Are you trying to be someone you're not? Why this holds you back and harms your health more than you may realize.

In this episode:

-I encourage you to start gaining momentum NOW and not wait until the new year to start a new program or create change.

-How authenticity heals your body, mind, and soul.

-How to find your authentic self and the best indicator of knowing when you're in your truth.

-Why being a chameleon is one of the worst things you can do when trying to create friendships or opportunities.

-The different types of psychic abilities and how people can smell out when you’re being inauthentic.

-Why being inauthentic dishonors yourself more than it harms anyone else.

-My stand on anxiety and depression and why it relates to authenticity.

-Trust that speaking your truth is exactly what someone needs to hear.

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