We all have addictive behaviors that stop us from connecting and rising to our highest self. Ways in which we limit our greatness and self sabotage our efforts that can be painful and feel like we are running on an invisible hamster wheel. 

The truth is that you don't have to continue to live life this way and there is hope and a solution when you tap into self resourcefulness and utilize the powerful tools and knowledge in this episode. 

Today's guest is Molly Carmel who is the Founder of Beacon by MC, author of the book, Breaking Up with Sugar: A Plan to Divorce the Diets, Drop the Pounds and Live Your Best Life, and host of the What You’re Craving podcast. She's also a closet comedian as you'll find out by listening to this episode.

We dive deep into:

Dark nights of the soul and what it is and how it increases our capacity to hold compassion  Staying in alignment with your higher self when you’re “in it” Why we should stop using the term “treat meals” How our language affects our body and addictive patterns Why we need to stop asking ourselves why something is happening and flow with it Her story of being over 300lbs and healing her relationship with herself What spiritual fitness is What sugar actually does to your brain and body The first step to take when you know you have an addiction to food and substances  Who’s more predisposed and vulnerable to addiction  Why research shows addiction affects incredibly intelligent people  Why you don't need to hit rock bottom to make powerful changes in your life

Join her Spiritual Fitness classes with 20% off code TAYLOR20 for December and January classes.

Check out her course Breaking Up With Sugar and use code TAYLOR20 for 20% off

Connect with her on Instagram

Listen to my interview on Mollys podcast What You're Craving 

Join my NEW Telegram channel that is replacing Instagram so that I can continue to share powerful teachings, healings and content. Click here to go right to it or search taylorstonevibehigher

Free 5 Part Higher Frequency Activation Meditations: https://iamtaylorstone.com/free-meditations/ 

Website: https://iamtaylorstone.com

Email: [email protected]