Can the healthy foods you're eating actually be making you sick?

In this episode you will learn:

-How the foods you’re eating affect your mood and how food is information to the body.

-Food intolerances and how to spot them and why some foods can actually be toxic for you.

-Why continuing to eat the foods that aren't serving your specific body can long-term harm your health.

-Why listening to other people tell you what to eat can be toxic if you aren’t listening to what your body is telling you.

-My story of health issues and how I healed them.

-How your health diagnosis may be a result of eating the wrong foods and why you have to fix the core issue rather than bandaiding the symptoms.

-Why the victim mentality just delays your ability to heal your health.

-If you're trying to age gracefully, you have to get the foods out that cause inflammation in your body and why it's important.

-Why Kombucha is NOT healthy for everyone.

-How food intolerances disrupt your gut and may be the reason you cannot shed fat.

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