Using Subversion with LabVIEW is a challenge when it comes to some of the most popular free tools like Subversion (SVN). Eric Metzler from Viewpoint Systems took on the challenge of updating an older version of an internal company tool. The new free version of the TSVN tool won  the LabVIEW Tools Network Product of […]

Using Subversion with LabVIEW is a challenge when it comes to some of the most popular free tools like Subversion (SVN). Eric Metzler from Viewpoint Systems took on the challenge of updating an older version of an internal company tool. The new free version of the TSVN tool won  the LabVIEW Tools Network Product of the Year award at NIWeek 2013. Eric talks with me about his journey through the LabVIEW world and his newfound passion for working on LabVIEW-based products.

Links to items mentioned in this episode:

TSVN Toolkit from Viewpoint systems
Subversion Source Code control
CLA Summit
VI Shots Live