Casey Lee is the Director of Fitness and Performance at The Edge Health Club based in Vermont. Apart from training athletes and other professionals, the team of 26 trainers and 4 performance coaches with Parisi Speed School, work with a variety of individuals from age 7 to 70s. Casey is also the host of the 3 Things Podcast, and has almost a decade of experience in the industry, despite his young age.


In this episode hosted by Steve Leo, Casey shares more about his unconventional path into the fitness industry, and his experience leading The Edge during this pandemic. He reveals how they have managed to maintain their relationship with their members during this time, and how they are preparing for the fall season with their athletes. Steve and Casey also discuss the importance of strength in performance training, overcoming mindset issues when coaching others and why it is so important to keep learning from others. Tune in to find out more.


Key Takeaways:

[:33] Steve introduces his guest for this episode - Casey Lee.

[2:07] How did Casey get into the training business?

[6:48] In light of gyms and health centers reopening, what has Casey found about people's sentiments?

[9:35] What did Casey do to maintain relationships with his members during the lock down, and how has that worked?

[11:48] What are Casey's thoughts on virtual training? Is it here to stay in some form?

[15:01] Casey shares more about his experience of being contracted as a strength coach at a local school.

[18:53] This podcast is being sponsored by VertiMax.

[19:41] How is Casey helping athletes who have to prepare for the fall season without knowing what the future holds?

[23:21] Casey and Steve discuss strategies for resuming training with athletes in the first couple of days and weeks.

[27:09] What are some things that have really had great benefits as far as working in the performance training area?

[30:32] Casey and Steve share more about what their role is in sports performance and how that translates into their training plans.

[37:15] What are some of the mindset obstacles that Casey has had to overcome as he was growing his craft as a coach?

[40:06] How does Casey balance being confident in what he has to offer against being humble enough to know he doesn't have all the answers?

[44:40] Steve reflects on his experience of learning from others and why it is important.

[46:38] What would Casey tell his younger self?

[49:29] Find out more about Casey on social media and check out his website for more information.


Mentioned in This Episode:


VertiMax on Facebook

VertiMax on Instagram

VertiMax on YouTube

VertiMax on LinkedIn

Steve Leo

Steve Leo on Instagram

Casey Lee 

3 Things Podcast with Coach Casey Lee

Casey Lee on Facebook and Instagram

The Edge

Parisi Speed School

How to Win Friends and Influence People, by Dale Carnegie

Atomic Habits, by James Clear

The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz



"You'll know really quick when you open if you have a transactional business or if you have a relationship business." - Casey


"We did these calls that were centered around helping our athletes become better athletes in a true form, not just physically, but mentally, emotionally and helping them through this period." - Casey


"You've got to control what you can control." - Casey


"The exercise isn't the outcome." - Casey


"When you have that view of leadership that your age and experience dictates your ability to lead, then you're already taking 4 steps backwards." - Casey