Brett Kuehn is a sports and human performance enthusiast, athlete, and mentor to Team VertiMax. He is a USMC veteran and business development professional at VertiMax. Brett’s passion is to help others achieve their goals whether they are an athlete looking to improve their speed, agility, and verticals; a coach looking to help their athletes gain an edge, or a sports performance owner or trainer seeking new ways to increase their business.


Brett is back on this week’s episode to talk about some helpful off-season training protocols for athletes. When there are no active games, you do not want your athlete to get lazy and out of shape. Here’s a quick overview of what an athlete should be focused on during their off-season days so that they can perform better for the upcoming season. 


Key Takeaways:

[1:20] Off-season is a very important time of the year. 

[2:10] Review your past season results. 

[2:50] What are some of your off-season goals? 

[3:35] What’s a good training plan?

[5:25] Don’t forget to incorporate a team building plan. 

[6:45] Seek out additional training. 

[8:25] Communication is key. Promote transparent ways your athletes can communicate with you.1



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“You want to make sure athletes trust each other as teammates. They got to get to know each other."


"With athletes, you have to communicate clearly, especially with anything that they’re doing. Make sure they’re able to come to you."