Join Harry Duran, host of Vertical Farming Podcast, as he welcomes to the show serial entrepreneur and CEO of Intelligent Growth Solutions, David Farquhar. In this episode, Harry and David break down the emergence of vertical farming technologies, opportunities that have been created due to the current global pandemic, and projects that David and his team have been working on within his organization.

Special thanks to our Season 1 Sponsor


Key Takeaways
01:36 – David and Harry discuss the impact of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis and the importance of leadership during this difficult time
07:48 – Opportunities David sees in the marketplace for his organization, Intelligent Growth Solutions
12:53 – David’s background in business and technology  
22:16 – How the emergence of global technologies like vertical farming can impact the future of our society
29:50 – David expounds on the direct impact that weather, handling and ventilation have on vertical farming
41:54 – What is something David has changed his mind about recently
43:46 – Where listeners can follow David and IGS

Tweetable Quotes
“What we’ve tried to do is be clear, be concise and be decisive. I think, at times, that is exactly what you need.” (05:42) - David Farquar
“We think we can contribute. We want to do it in a non-cynical way. And we’re working with quite a lot of governments now on thinking about how this might happen.” (07:39) - David Farquar
“I think we may see a shift in some habits. Things like how we get to work, where we work, what we choose to work on, how we shop, the reduction of waste, our diet, all kinds of different things.” (22:53) - David Farquar
“Particularly with vertical farming, we are right at the start gate. This is the beginning of a marathon. And anyone who tells you otherwise, frankly, is lying.” (23:39) - David Farquar
“So, I would say urban farming, governments, and the retail wholesale food production end of the consumer-facing piece, that’s where we’re seeing most of our activity at the moment.” (32:08) - David Farquar
“The first really crucial thing is to have total control of that climate. And, if you’re growing vine tomatoes and basil, then you had better be able to replicate real weather in Tuscany between May and July.” (35:00) - David Farquar
“When it comes to things like climate, you also have to think not just about the diurnal pattern from night to day, but you also have to think about seasons and you also have to think about geography.” (41:01) - David Farquar

Links Mentioned
David Farquar on LinkedIn
CIAT Website

Intelligent Growth Solutions

Website | Twitter | YouTube

Join Harry Duran, host of Vertical Farming Podcast, as he welcomes to the show serial entrepreneur and CEO of Intelligent Growth Solutions, David Farquhar. In this episode, Harry and David break down the emergence of vertical farming technologies, opportunities that have been created due to the current global pandemic, and projects that David and his team have been working on within his organization.

Special thanks to our Season 1 Sponsor


Key Takeaways

01:36 – David and Harry discuss the impact of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis and the importance of leadership during this difficult time
07:48 – Opportunities David sees in the marketplace for his organization, Intelligent Growth Solutions
12:53 – David’s background in business and technology  
22:16 – How the emergence of global technologies like vertical farming can impact the future of our society
29:50 – David expounds on the direct impact that weather, handling and ventilation have on vertical farming
41:54 – What is something David has changed his mind about recently
43:46 – Where listeners can follow David and IGS

Tweetable Quotes

“What we’ve tried to do is be clear, be concise and be decisive. I think, at times, that is exactly what you need.” (05:42) - David Farquar
“We think we can contribute. We want to do it in a non-cynical way. And we’re working with quite a lot of governments now on thinking about how this might happen.” (07:39) - David Farquar
“I think we may see a shift in some habits. Things like how we get to work, where we work, what we choose to work on, how we shop, the reduction of waste, our diet, all kinds of different things.” (22:53) - David Farquar
“Particularly with vertical farming, we are right at the start gate. This is the beginning of a marathon. And anyone who tells you otherwise, frankly, is lying.” (23:39) - David Farquar
“So, I would say urban farming, governments, and the retail wholesale food production end of the consumer-facing piece, that’s where we’re seeing most of our activity at the moment.” (32:08) - David Farquar
“The first really crucial thing is to have total control of that climate. And, if you’re growing vine tomatoes and basil, then you had better be able to replicate real weather in Tuscany between May and July.” (35:00) - David Farquar
“When it comes to things like climate, you also have to think not just about the diurnal pattern from night to day, but you also have to think about seasons and you also have to think about geography.” (41:01) - David Farquar

Links Mentioned

David Farquar on LinkedIn
CIAT Website

Intelligent Growth Solutions

Website | Twitter | YouTube

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