Have you tried something new and in the beginning it didn't go as planned? I've been there too, especially with the launch of this podcast! Stick in there… In this episode, I've got tips for you on how to navigate being a newbie! Trust me, I've been a newbie a lot… and I actually love it! : )

I'm calling this episode a mini-episode. I was supposed to air an episode I recorded last week. When I started editing, I realized I made a HUGE mistake that could not be fixed by technology. Wait…what?! Yep, I'll tell you all about it! 

There's a learning curve when it comes to trying new things and I've got a few pointers for you to keep in mind so your failures don’t keep you from pursuing that activity!

It Takes Time to Become Skilled: Learn to be ok with that You might need to overcome any emotions and pre-conceived notions you've had about that activity You are going to mess up.  It's okay, we've all been there! That's how you learn. Take time to understand what happened when things went wrong Seek out people who are better than you and have more experience and knowledge Coaches YouTubers Bloggers Communities (Facebook Groups) Continue learning and expanding your mind Keep practicing If you keep after it, you will: Gain more confidence Learn tricks of the trade Get a better understanding for the activity as a whole Find your people and your mentors in real life Create checklists for how to achieve your desired results


Links from Show:

My Skateboard:

Brand: Kateboards https://www.kateboards.com/

The model I ride: The Breakthrough https://www.kateboards.com/shop/breakthrough2020

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu:

I train at a Pedro Sauer Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Associate Gym. Look for one near you here: https://pedrosauer.com/



Say hi! Have a question? Have a recommendation for a guest?

Connect with the host, Heather Bailey:

On IG: @vereless.n.free https://www.instagram.com/vereless.n.free/

Also on IG: @heatherfheather https://www.instagram.com/heatherfheather/

My website, Vereless N Free: www.verelessnfree.com

Thanks for listening and sharing : ) Receiving your feedback fills me with joy