How do you crowdfund a vegan business? How easy is it and what does it take to hit your target? The truth is less than 25% of crowdfunding campaigns are successful. 10% of campaigns don't receive a single pledge.

In March 2021, Vegan Business Tribe teamed up with CrowdfunderUK to help a group of vegan businesses owners go through a collective crowdfunding programme. In this episode, we share everything that the group learnt about rewards-based crowdfunding, including how to work out how much money you are likely to be able to raise, which platform you should use, and what it takes to get your crowdfunding campaign over the line.

About Vegan Business Tribe

Hosted by Vegan Business Tribe co-founder, David Pannell. Lisa & David have worked with some of the largest high-street brands and food manufacturers to help them understand and connect with the vegan marketplace. David is also the official UK agent for The Vegan Society's Vegan Trademark and Lisa writes the monthly business column in Vegan Food & Living - the biggest vegan print publication in the UK.

Vegan Business Tribe is where they give back with weekly content, seminars, business clinics, networking events, mentoring and online courses to help you create a successful vegan business. If you want to go beyond the podcast and connect with our community of like-minded vegan entrepreneurs or get support from Lisa & David, then head over to where you will be welcomed with open arms!