In this episode I’m sharing with you a talk I gave recently to a group of vegan business owners and entrepreneurs on what to include on the ‘About’ page of your website.

It’s a question I get asked a lot by people, including my coaching and consulting clients and students on my Vegans in the Limelight online PR course and group coaching program, so I thought it would serve you to share this as a podcast episode.

It’s also available as a video and as a blog post below.

Among the things I discuss are:

• Why the ‘About’ page of your website is so important

• What NOT to include on your ‘About’ page

• How to make your ‘About’ page compelling for your customers and clients

• Why your ‘About’ page shouldn’t be all about you

• Examples of an ‘About’ page for a service provider and for a product maker

• Why your story as the business owner is important and you can no longer hide behind your company or brand

• And much more

Watch a video of this presentation:

And here’s a blog post based on the presentation:

First of all, everybody's ‘About’ page is going to be different, depending on you and your business, the type of business, whether you're a solo practitioner or you're a larger company, and whether you sell products or services.

I don't believe there's a ‘one size fits all’ kind of template that you can use to create an About page because it needs to be personalized to you and your venture, but I’m going to give you some ideas about what to include and how to structure it.
Why your ‘About’ page is so important
The reason your ‘About’ page is so important is that it's one of the most visited pages on websites.

There's been some anecdotal research done and it's been found that people will often click onto your ‘About’ page, anything from the second, third or fourth page as they're going through your site.

One of the reasons for this is that nowadays, people want to know who they're doing business with, a lot more than they used to in the past. People want to know a lot more about a business and about a company.

If you think about it, it's true for us as consumers, so even though you're reading this and you’re a vegan business owner, you're also a consumer. We're all consumers.

Some of the questions that your customers or your clients may be asking when they get to your ‘About’ page are:

How big is the business? Is it an SME or a solo enterprise?
Who owns or runs the business?
How long has the person or company been in business?
Where is it based, and does it service my location?
Why should I buy from this particular business?

Don’t hide behind your business

It's really important not to hide behind your company. I see this quite a lot with vegan entrepreneurs, and you just can't get away with that nowadays. In the past, this was a thing that large, multinational corporations in particular would do. The CEOs would be very much behind the scenes, whereas nowadays, if you look at a lot of big companies, the CEO has got their own blog, and they're much more prominent because people want to know or who they are.

And they want to know who you are, so don't be afraid to put yourself out there and let us know who you are.

One of the key things you want to do with your About page is to inspire trust and connection with your audience. The way you do that is to let people know about you, who you are and what you do. They have to get to know you.

It's a bit like meeting people in real life. You get to know somebody, and the more you get to know them, you start to like and trust them. That's the kind of relationship that you're wanting to build up with your About page. It's the online version of doing that.
It’s not all about you
Now, having said that, your About page shouldn't necessarily be all about you. What do I mean by that?

I'm going to give you a couple of examples, and I'm going to start with my own ‘About’ page on my Vegan Business Medi...

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