In this episode I interview Damien Clarkson and Judy Nadel, co-founders of Vevolution, a plant-based events and media start-up in London, UK.

Damien has spent the past decade primarily working on social change projects for some of the UK’s biggest NGOs and brands. He’s previously ran a creative agency and in fact he’s been on this show before, back in 2016, in episode 35 talking about digital strategy, but since then he and Judy have taken Vevolution forward and now work on it full-time.

Judy is a creative tour-de-force. She’s passionate about the sensory arts, promoting women via her platform Badass Vegan Women and She Loves Plants and encouraging people to care about animals and the environment. She’s worked with some of the biggest organisations in the UK in creating digital work and curating hackathons. With a background in events management, her main aim for each project and event is to bring people together to connect and create unique, one-off experiences.

In this episode Damien and Judy talk about:

• How they’ve managed to secure some of London’s most prestigious (and expensive) venues and still break even on their events

• What the most popular events have been and how they decide what kinds of talks, topics and events to run

• The marketing strategies they use to attract crowds to their events

• What’s involved in pulling together their ‘Pitch and Plant’ event (a vegan version of Dragon’s Den/Shark Tank)

• How they work with sponsors and brands over and above the typical stall/table/booth offering to achieve a win-win that helps both parties’ businesses grow

• How they got onto an accelerator program with one of the UK’s largest banks

• And much more

Visit the Vevolution website

Check out She Loves Plants

Brands mentioned in vegan business news highlights

Plant Based World Conference & Expo (New York, 7-8 June, 2019)

Beyond Meat



My Online PR Course for Vegan Business Owners & Entrepreneurs: Vegans in the Limelight

My book Vegan Ventures: Start and Grow an Ethical Business

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