I want to talk about how I ever came up with the Value Driven Investor Community. The idea, where did it come from and what does it mean? How does it even work? Those questions were seeds planted in my head, and for years and years, I thought about it. And I thought about it as a real estate investor, playing out the process over and over and over. And as a person who really likes to give back, I thought about it like this, "how would I teach my kids to become a real estate investor?" If I wanted to give them everything I knew, would I put it into a book? Would I put it into a training manual? How would I deliver it to them so that they could learn about everything that their dad is doing, and if they wanted to do it, they could. Those were the seeds I planted in my head for years, and years and years. And now, I have finally come up with the answers and a plan to do it. Welcome to the genesis of the Value Driven Investor. I'll talk about that, what Life On Your Terms means, and the four stages of the Value Driven Investor journey!

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