Nate’s Monday Morning Message Volume 1,215

Welcome to this week’s Monday Morning Message! I hope you had a fun filled Cinco de Mayo weekend! This is the week that we focus our attention on the special women in our lives – our mothers. I hope you will pause to celebrate the remarkable women who have shaped our lives with their boundless love, unwavering support, and nurturing spirit. Whether it’s our mothers, grandmothers, stepmothers, or mother figures, let us honor their tireless dedication and selflessness in raising us with kindness, compassion, and grace. Let’s take a moment to reflect on the special moments spent together and take this opportunity to shower them with the love, appreciation, and admiration they deserve. Happy Mother’s Day to all the extraordinary mothers out there—you are truly cherished, loved, and admired! Let’s make it a great week!


The Scroll Marked VII:

I will laugh at the world.

For all the worldly things shall indeed pass. When I am heavy with heartache I shall console myself that this too shall pass; when I am puffed with success I shall warn myself that this too shall pass. When I am strangled in poverty, I shall tell myself that this too shall pass; when I am burdened with wealth I shall tell myself that this too shall pass. Yea, verily, where is he who built the pyramid? Is he not buried within its stone? And will the pyramid, one day, not also be buried under sand? If all things shall pass why should I be of concern for today? I will laugh at the world.

And so long as I can laugh never will I be poor. This then, is one of nature’s greatest gifts, and I will waste it no more. Only with laughter and happiness can I truly become a success. Only with laughter and happiness can I enjoy the fruits of my labor. Were it not so, far better would it be to fail, for happiness is the wine that sharpens the taste of the meal. To enjoy success I must have happiness, and laughter will be the maiden who serves me. I will be happy. I will be successful. I will be the greatest salesman the world has ever known.

Source: The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino


“It may be possible to gild pure gold, but who can make his mother more beautiful?” - Mahatma Gandhi

“My mother is a walking miracle.” - Leonardo DiCaprio

“Mama was my greatest teacher, a teacher of compassion, love and fearlessness. If love is sweet as a flower, then my mother is that sweet flower of love.” - Stevie Wonder

Nate Martinez, RE/MAX

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