Nate’s Monday Morning MessageVolume 1,111

Welcome to this week’s edition of Nate’s Morning Message! I hope that each of you had a lovely weekend celebrating the special moms in your life! I wanted to take today’s message to recognize the three women in my life who are amazing moms, Tonya, Brandi and Ashley. Our family would not be the same without their continuous commitment, their sacrifices, and their love. It all started with my beloved mother Marie who is no longer with us, however I know that she is looking down upon us and provides a guiding light for my ladies to follow – thank you, mom for continuing to be there for the Martinez family. While the holiday might have been yesterday, I’d like to challenge all of us, myself included to make every day Mother’s Day for those special women who do so much for us. Let’s make it a great week!


The Persistence of Scent by Cindy Williams Gutiérrez

                    Mother, you will persist in fragrances—the nectar-scent of carrots, pineapple, pecans baking in a two-layer cake. I will shorten my mornings into hours of praise.

                    More than alchemy, fresh cilantro—in pungent handfuls—will be sautéed with garlic, onions, tomatoes. And like magic, beans  will turn into savories in my ordinary kitchen.

                    And the aroma of lilies will not be resisted. I will plant tigers, stars, Easters, cannas, callas. The rain on their talcum will conjure you—your skin this satiny scent—

                    here, on the porch swing, just after a bath. I will sprinkle lily petals on my pond, dip my hand in this holy water, rub your silk into my fingers.

                    But it is the tang of the sea that will return your salt to soothe my wound. Here in this watery womb of the earth—this place you love only from a distance since you never learned to swim—here I will stop holding my breath, inhale the sting.


“As women, we have super powers. We are sisters. We are healers. We are mothers. We are goddess warriors.” - Merle Dandridge

“Our mothers give us so many gifts. They give us the precious gift of life, of course, but they also leave treasured lessons that can guide us along our journeys even when they are no longer with us.” - Maria Shriver

“Most mothers are instinctive philosophers.” - Harriet Beecher Stowe

Nate Martinez, RE/MAX

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