Nate’s Monday Morning MessageVolume 1,097

Welcome to this week’s edition of Nate’s Morning Message! I recently had the privilege of listening to a quick presentation by David Horsager, who is the CEO of Trust Edge Leadership Institute and a bestselling author on the topic of leadership. Here is my take-away from his talk…

Walk up and be present
Serve selflessly

While these are simple concepts, I believe that strung together they are a powerful guide to living life to its full potential. Listening is a skill that requires patience and commitment but it’s a value tool for truly connecting with the people you care about. Appreciation is a form of love. To be fully present is to be in one with life, and those around you. And to serve selflessly is superhero skill that has the potential to change the world. This week, I’d love to challenge each of you to lean into these four concepts and see how it impacts your week – your work, your relationships, your attitude, your health. Let’s make it a great week!


Everyone around the world knows Starbucks. It is one of the most recognizable symbols next to the crucifix, Mcdonalds, and Superman. But it didn’t start that easy, without perseverance the coffee giant would never have existed.

Howard Schultz, the founder of Starbucks went to over 200 banks looking for his original loan. 242!

Not only was he desperately trying to secure a loan, his wife was pregnant with their first child. After a year of rejections, he was able to secure the $400,000 needed from a doctor and two other individual investors.

Today, the brand employs over 383,000 people around the world.


“If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.” – Napoleon Hill

“One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say.” – Bryant H. McGill

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Nate Martinez, RE/MAX

Copyright © 2022 Nate Martinez. All rights reserved.